2019 marks the 30th anniversary of the mass shooting at the École Polytechnique in Montreal, which shocked Canadians. This half-day conference will focus on multi-disciplinary responses and the power of collaboration in order to meet the needs of victims of mass violence. Victim-centred reparative justice focuses on the needs, perceptions and dignity of victims in order to promote healing. It requires that all actors, legal, medical, and social, work together to assist victims in their healing process. Nowhere is the importance of cross-sector collaboration more evident than in the case of mass victimization, where the plethora of victims' needs may seem insurmountable.
Pavillon Jean-Brillant, Université de Montréal
Local B-4325
Jo-Anne Wemmers
Professor, École de criminologie de l’Université de Montréal
Recognizing victims and prioritizing needs (French presentation)
Nathalie Provost
Vice-Chair Canadian Firearm Advisory Committee
Victim : To be or not to be, that is the question (French presentation)
Erin Rosenberg
Legal Officer, Trust Fund for Victims
Making reparative justice a reality: how we can assist victims of international crimes overcome harm and rebuild their lives
Luke Moffett
Professor, Queens University Belfast
Repairing Victims and Coordinating Efforts between Civil Society and State Responses to Mass Victimization
Round table discussion with speakers
Registration before May 28th 2019 at victimologie.events@gmail.com
Here are some pictures of the event:
Round table discussion with speakers
Jo-Anne Wemmers' presentation.
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