The ICCC’s unique nature derives from its hybrid approach, which combines research on crime and delinquency with the more critically-driven study of social control and reactionary approaches. While the ICCC long served as a bridge between these two criminological traditions, the Centre’s contribution, made possible by this intermediate position, has considerably evolved over the past decade, as its researchers merged these perspectives to create a common framework. In this way, the ICCC managed to reconcile two aspects traditionally located at the opposite ends of criminology. This innovation is reflected as much in its research, collaborations, student training, as in its outreach and knowledge transfer activities.
To adapt to the new research projects and members within the ICCC, the centre’s scientific program was completely revamped in 2016. Covering a multitude of research areas, this new program’s originality resides in its global approach and focus on the two main forms of social control: intervention and regulation. The new program is comprised of 5 thrusts, which are each divided in 3 distinct research themes. This general focus places the centre at the forefront of criminological research. By combining a mix of traditional criminological issues and problems (thrusts 1 and 2) with the emerging « new criminologies » (thrusts 3, 4, and 5), the ICCC offers a dynamic and interactive research environment for its many members and their diverse expertise.
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