
October 3 – 4, 2011

Third Annual Illicit Networks Workshop

The Équipe de Recherche sur la Délinquance en Réseau (International Centre for Comparative Criminology, Université de Montréal), in conjunction with the Centre for Transnational Crime Prevention (University of Wollongong, Australia), has hosted the Third Annual Illicit Networks Workshop that has been held at the Méridien-Versailless Hotel in Montreal on October 3-4, 2011. www
As with the two previous workshops that were held in Wollongong, Australia, this workshop was designed with the goal of maximizing meaningful and on-going cooperation among researchers working on various forms of crime and security issues from a network perspective.

This year's workshop has been comprised of 23 panel presentations by leading experts in the areas of co-offending, organized crime, economic crime, cybercrime, extremist networks, and post conflict settings.


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