Conference by Sandrine Haymoz
Thursday, February 27, 2025, from 11:00 AM to 12:15 PM.
Hybrid format: In room POL-2113, Maurice-Pollack Pavilion, Université Laval, and online.
This presentation aims to assess the extent of juvenile delinquency and victimization in Switzerland. The findings are derived from the International Self-Report Delinquency Study (ISRD), a global survey designed to analyze juvenile delinquency and victimization. This is the 4th edition of the survey, involving participation from 40 countries. In Switzerland, over 11,000 youths, approximately 14–15 years old, anonymously completed an online questionnaire. The study's results revealed, among other findings, an increase in juvenile delinquency and identified key risk factors. These factors are critical for the development of effective juvenile delinquency prevention programs.
Sandrine Haymoz teaches and conducts research, among other topics, on juvenile delinquency. She holds a master’s degree in psychology and a doctorate in criminology. For several years, she has been conducting quantitative research in the field of criminality.
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