
March 28, 2013 - 4pm - 5h15pm

Dynamics of criminal networks

Jeudi 28 mars 2013
16h00 à 17h15
Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, local C-2059, Carrefour des arts et des sciences, 3150, rue Jean-Brillant

Thomas Grund is currently a post-doctoral researcher at CICC and works on issues around social networks, social dynamics and analytical sociology. Thomas studied computer science and sociology at University of Trier (Diplom), University of Cambridge (MPhil) and University of Oxford (DPhil). Before coming to Quebec, he held positions at ETH Zurich and Nuffield College in Oxford.

Summary : Recent theoretical developments in criminology imply that the empirical analysis of criminal networks needs to be complemented with a complex systems' point of view and an explicit analysis of network change. We need to know how criminal networks evolve and adapt in the light of external constraints in order to understand how they operate and what they mean for the production of crime.

This research draws on different empirical settings and advanced modeling of social networks to investigate the dynamics of crime. Findings indicate that temporal configurations not only matter, but that they are crucial for understanding mechanism of network change. Such a perspective is promising as criminal organizations are highly resistant, adapt to the activities of the police and are more fluid than existing research admits.

L'enregistrement intégral de cette conférence est disponible sur You Tube !


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