
October 8, 2013 - 11h45 - 1pm

Ethnicity and co-offending in gangs

Mardi 8 octobre 2013
11h45 à 13h00
Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, local C-2059
Carrefour des arts et des sciences
3150, rue Jean-Brillant

Thomas Grund is currently a post-doctoral researcher at CICC and works on issues around social networks, social dynamics and analytical sociology. Thomas studied computer science and sociology at University of Trier (Diplom), University of Cambridge (MPhil) and University of Oxford (DPhil). Before coming to Quebec, he held positions at ETH Zurich and Nuffield College in Oxford.

Summary : Despite acknowledgment of "hybrid" street gangs in the literature, there is little systematic research into ethnic heterogeneity within gangs. This study indicates the importance of similarities between street gang members in terms of ethnicity for mapping the patterns of co-offending relationships. We recreate the internal structure of a London-based street gang with exponential random graph models (ERGM). Our results refine the role of ethnicity for co-offending within gangs. While homophily is still prevalent, the effect diminishes when triad closure is considered. Furthermore, ethnic homophily is more pronounced for some ethnic groups than for others. Lastly, we extend existing ERGM specifications and investigate the interaction between ethnic homophily and triad closure. Findings indicate that ethnic homophily is even stronger when it is embedded in triads. Using additional computer simulations we illustrate the complex interplay of homophily and triad closure in gangs.

L'enregistrement intégral de cette conférence est disponible sur You Tube !


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