
September 24, 2012 - 16h00 - 17h15

Everything you wanted to know about prisons

Dr. Paul Gendreau is Professor Emeritus, UNB, Saint John. Presently, Visiting Scholar, UNC, Charlotte. In 2007 he was made an Officer of the Order of Canada. His research areas are "what works" in offender assessment and treatment, correctional quackery, effects of prison life, program evaluation, meta-analysis and the misuse of significance testing.

Summary : First, the three major theories of the effects of prison life-deterrence, schools of crime and behavioral deep freeze- are reviewed. Secondly, their empirical substance is critiqued as well as their utility for policies that will protect the public (i.e., less recidivism) and managing prisons safely and in a humane fashion. Thirdly, the prison literature on risk prediction and treatment are outlined to demonstrate how it is possible to meet the two goals noted above. Finally, the controversy over the effects extreme forms of incarceration is addressed.


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