
March 27, 2025 - 11:45 am to 1:00 pm

Integrating Trauma Awareness in Correctional Settings for Professionals

Exploring the Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) Approach as an Intervention and Prevention Tool Through a Knowledge Synthesis.

Lunchtime conference by Denise Michelle Brend.
Thursday, March 27, 2025, from 12:00 PM to 1:15 PM.
On Zoom only.

Registration for Zoom.

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Canadian correctional officers exhibit higher rates of post-traumatic stress, depression, and anxiety compared to the general population. Some report feeling unsupported by their employers or undervalued by society. Trauma-informed approaches (TIAs) offer a framework for improving services. It is crucial to consider the impact of trauma experienced by these professionals to promote their well-being and enhance service quality. Our research aimed to identify TIA efforts designed to protect correctional officers and to gather their testimonies on workplace distress and employer-supported interventions. Our findings reveal that a subset of officers experiences significant distress and that various TIAs have been implemented internationally. While these approaches are generally well received, they must be applied holistically to maximize their effectiveness.

Biography :

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Denise Michelle Brend

Assistant Professor at the School of Social Work and Criminology at Université Laval, Denise Michelle Brend is interested in complex trauma, vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, secondary traumatic stress, betrayal trauma, and trauma-focused care and approaches.


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