
March 10, 2025 - from 11:45 AM to 1:00 PM

"Paper in a Day": A Collaborative Method for Scientific Writing

Lecture by Marichelle Leclair
Monday, March 10, 2025, from 11:45 AM to 1:00 PM
Online only

Registration required for Zoom.

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The Paper in a Day (PiaD) model is an innovative approach that enables researchers, students, and practitioners to write a scientific paper in a single day. Developed to overcome barriers to publication, this method relies on structured collaboration and intensive teamwork. By combining thorough pre-session preparation with a dedicated writing day, PiaD enhances scientific productivity while fostering engagement and cohesion within research teams. This lecture will present the key principles of the method, concrete examples of its application, and practical guidance for organizing a successful PiaD session. The goal is to equip researchers, clinicians, and students with the tools to maximize their scientific impact while making the writing process more efficient and stimulating.


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Marichelle Leclair

Marichelle Leclair is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychoeducation and Psychology at the Université du Québec en Outaouais. Her research focuses on mental health issues, criminal non-responsibility, access to mental health services, and severe mental disorders and violence. She is also a regular researcher at the Philippe-Pinel National Institute of Forensic Psychiatry.


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