
December 9, 2022 - 3pm to 5pm

The aggression against Ukraine : what is expected of bystanders?

Lecture by Larissa van den Herik
December 9th - from 3pm to 5pm
Université de Montréal : Salon François-Chevrette (A-3464), Faculté de droit, Pavillon Maximilien-Caron, 3101 chemin de la Tour
Or via Zoom

This event is organized by the Chaire de recherche du Canada en justice internationale et droits fondamentaux.
This lecture will draw on an advice by the Dutch Advisory Committee on Public International Laws and the obligations of third states to address serious violations of jus cogens norms.

History of the Cleveringa Lecture

The Cleveringa Lecture derives its name from Rudolph Cleveringa, LL.M., Professor of Commercial Law and Civil Procedural Law, and Dean of the Faculty of Law during the Second World War. He acquired fame as a consequence of his speech on 26 November 1940 in which he denounced the measures taken by the Nazis to remove Jewish professors from the University. He was twice imprisoned by the Germans during the course of the war. The Leids Universiteits Fonds (LUF) organizes Cleveringa Lectures annually since 1946 in cooperation with regional committees to commemorate his famous protest speech. Leiden scientists worldwide hold interesting lectures on current scientific topics around November 26th.


Larissa van den Herik is Professor of Public International Law at the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies at Leiden University.


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