
September 12, 2022

Transgender Victimization: Insight into an ongoing study on the Indo-Canadian Perspective

Conférence de Somabha Bandopadhay
Lundi 12 septembre 2022 - 12h00 à 13h00
Université de Montréal, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, C-2059 et via ZOOM


The laws pertaining to the protection of the rights of the transgender persons are at the nascent stages both in India and Canada and impact assessment of these have not yet been undertaken. The research anticipates filling this void. As a nation, Canada has higher scores than India on grounds of human rights protection, however the difference between law in the books and law in action is important and how the law is implemented can impact the lives of the transgender community. The researchpresented at the workshop compares legislated rights for transgender persons and examines the perceptions of stakeholders with respect to the victimization experiences of members of the transgender community.


Somabha Bandopadhay is a Visiting Research Fellow at the School of Criminology, University of Montreal, Canada under the Indo-Canadian Shastri Mitacs Research Scholarship. In India, she is the University Junior Research Fellow at The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata where she is also pursuing her Ph.D. on transgender violence and victimisation. She is a community activist and has engaged in advocacy, legal awareness and sensitisation work with the community, police and judicial officers in her home province- West Bengal. A professional dancer, Somabha was introduced to the community at a very young age and has kept the passion in contributing meaningfully to the community and the legal field in her area of specialisation.

Full conference


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