
September 23, 2024 - 11:45 am to 1:00 pm

Urban riots in France in the summer of 2023: sociological explanations

Lunchtime lecture by Fabien Jobard.
Monday 23 September 2024, from 11:45 to 13:00.
In comodal: In C-2059, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx and in Zoom.

Registration required for Zoom only

Face-to-face places are available without the need to register.

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Since the early 1990s, urban riots have been one of the defining features of community life in France. However, the scale of the riots in June-July 2023 was unprecedented. Shortly after the release of a video showing a police shooting causing the death of a young man at the wheel of a vehicle in the Paris suburbs, nearly 600 towns experienced events such as vehicle fires, destruction of police stations and town halls, looting of shopping centres and shops, and clashes with police, often using fireworks. The Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs asked the Cesdip to find out who the "rioters" were and what their motives were. Eight towns were subjected to a fine-tooth comb of sociological investigation. The results of this investigation, which are still provisional, will be presented at this conference.

Biography :

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Fabien Jobard

Director of Research, CNRS, France

Fabien Jobard has a doctorate in political science and is Director of Research at the CNRS. He works mainly on issues relating to the police, public security and comparative criminal justice.


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