
June 13, 2024 - from 3:30 pm to 4:45 pm

Web conferences - (RÉ)SO 16-35

Lunchtime conference by Agathe Isabel and Annabel Leclerc.
Thursday June 13, 2024, from 3:30 to 4:45 pm.
Zoom only.

Registration required for Zoom only.

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Annabel Leclerc


The impact of formal interventions on secondary and tertiary desistance among men in the justice system


The judicial process aims at desisting from crime and (re)integrating into the community. In order for the desistance from crime (cessation of criminal behavior or primary desistance) to be maintained over time, a change in identity must take place (secondary desistance), and a sense of belonging to society must develop through positive feedback regarding the changes made by the individual (tertiary desistance). The results highlight the participants' perceptions of the functioning and interventions of the judicial and correctional system, as well as of clinical and organizational advice.

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Agathe Isabel


Formal and informal interventions with adolescent girls in conflict with the law


Adolescent girls' delinquency is different from that of boys, particularly in terms of the needs that underlie it. This presentation will focus on the case studies of 5 adolescent girls who have come before the courts under the YCJA. We will highlight the nature of the interventions received by this clientele, as well as their perception of the influence of these interventions on their process of desisting from crime. Clinical recommendations will be made on the social responses best suited to the unique needs of adolescent girls in the justice system.


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