UQTR Event

March 18, 2015 - 19h00

Disasters & Mass Fatalities: Applications of Forensic Sciences

Université du Québec à Trois-Rivière
Local 1006 du pavillon Pierre Boucher
3351, boul. des Forges, Trois-Rivières

Inscription obligatoire. Veuillez confirmer votre présence en envoyant un courriel avec votre nom à l’adresse suivante : conferencecicc@gmail.com

Mrs. Renée C. Kosalka Shore is a Canadian physical anthropologist, with a BSc (Hons) from the University of Toronto (1999) and a MA from California State University, Chico, USA (2006). She is a PhD Candidate in Anthropology at the University of Toronto conducting research into the potential of applying spatial predictive modeling to the prospection of clandestine body disposal sites created during times of armed conflict.

Since 2010, Renée has been a consulting Forensic Anthropologist for the Office of the Chief Coroner/Ontario Forensic Pathology Services and from 2012, the consulting Forensic Anthropologist for the Laboratoire des sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale (LSJML) in Québec. Since 2000, she has worked for, and collaborated with many international forensic agencies and has contributed to large-scale death investigations and training programs in Canada, Colombia, the Former Yugoslavia (Bosnia/Serbia/Croatia), Haiti, the Philippines, Thailand, and the United States of America.

Summary: The presentation will summarize the integrated process of disaster victim identification (DVI) from antemortem data collection to search and recovery at the scene, through postmortem examinations in the lab, to formal identification and repatriation. The benefits of formal organization, pre-planned policies and networks as well as challenges to the process will be highlighted. The presentation will use the DVI response to the mass fatalities of the Lac Megantic train derailment (2013) as an example.

Discussion will then turn to focus on the application of forensic sciences to DVI within the context of human rights violations, war crimes, etc. In this regard, examples from the 1990's conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina will be shown to demonstrate complex, long term, large 


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