Student workshop

November 12, 2024 - from 9.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.

Hands-on Training on Systematic Reviews

Workshop by Sébastien Brouillette-Alarie and Ghayda Hassan.
Tuesday, November 12, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Hybrid format: Held in room C-2059, Lionel-Groulx Pavilion, Université de Montréal, and online.

Registration is required only for the Zoom session.

In-person attendance is available without prior registration.

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Conducting a systematic literature review is a large-scale undertaking, akin to the twelve labors of Astérix. This process can extend over several years, require the involvement of multiple research assistants and professionals, and incur significant costs. That said, it is also one of the most robust methods recognized by the scientific community to comprehensively review a subject, identify evidence-based practice guidelines, or assess the effectiveness of an intervention or social measure.

For better or worse, the Canadian Practitioners Network for the Prevention of Violent Extremism (RPC-PREV) team has conducted several systematic reviews over the past seven years, thereby developing significant expertise in the field. The objective of this workshop is to share this expertise and provide a practical, hands-on training on the many steps involved in conducting a systematic review. Five key phases will be covered: conceptualization, literature search, text selection, data extraction, and writing/knowledge mobilization. Examples and exercises will help participants not only understand the rationale behind these phases but also become familiar with the practical aspects of the tasks involved. The workshop will be delivered with humor and self-deprecation, notably through a comprehensive overview of the pitfalls we have encountered over the years and from which we aim to protect you.


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Ghayda Hassan
Clinical psychologist and professor of clinical psychology at UQÀM.
Director of the Canadian Practitioners Network for the Prevention of Violent Extremism (CPN-PREV), UQÀM

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Sébastien Brouillette-Alarie

Associate Professor, School of Criminology, Université de Montréal
Head of research at the Canadian Practitioners Network for the Prevention of Violent Extremism (CPN-PREV), UQÀM



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