Student workshop

March 3, 2025 - 11:45 am to 1:00 pm

Implementing an International Collaborative Research Internship

Student Workshop by Mathilde Moffet-Bourassa.
Monday, March 3, 2025, from 11:45 AM to 1:00 PM.
Zoom only.

Registration for Zoom.


In the fall of 2024, I completed the doctoral-level collaborative research internship course (PSE-8002) in partnership with Laurea University of Applied Sciences (LUAS) in Finland. The primary objective of this internship was to develop expertise in collaborative research within my field of study. Under the supervision of Professors (Ph.D.) Eeva Järveläinen and Janika Lindström at LUAS, I engaged in various academic and research activities to deepen my understanding of the processes of exiting homelessness and desistance from crime among justice-involved women. This presentation will outline the preparatory steps leading up to the international research stay, my motivations, the research activities undertaken during the internship, and the outcomes of this experience. Finally, I will discuss the research internship grant awarded by the Centre international de criminologie comparée (CICC) through the Fonds AQUINAS program, which supported this international research experience.

Biography :

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Mathilde Moffet-Bourassa

Mathilde Moffet-Bourassa is a doctoral candidate in psychoeducation at Université Laval. Her research focuses on justice-involved women experiencing homelessness (JIWH), with a particular emphasis on their identity-related experiences. In her dissertation, she examines how these experiences contribute to their social affiliation by adopting a dual perspective on their desistance from crime and exit from homelessness.


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