Student workshop

March 28, 2025 - from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm

"Redefining the Category of Sexual Offenses in Criminal Law"


Masterclass by Joana Falxa
Friday, March 28, 2025, from 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Room C-5149, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, Université de Montréal

Registration required by March 25

What is a Masterclass?

A masterclass is an advanced teaching session led by an expert or a recognized professional in a specific field. In a masterclass, the expert shares their expertise, techniques, and experience with participants who generally have a particular interest in the subject. These sessions may include demonstrations, constructive critiques, interactive discussions, and personalized advice. Masterclasses are highly valued for the opportunity they provide to learn directly from an expert, allowing participants to refine their skills and gain unique perspectives.

The research that Professor Joana Falxa will present during this masterclass is based on the observation that the definition of sexual offenses in French criminal law does not adequately align with their sociological understanding and international standards. The research consists of three main components:

  1. A transdisciplinary study on the conceptualization of sexual offenses.
  2. A comparative legal analysis of how these offenses are defined.
  3. A field study involving judicial and associative actors.

The research aims to explore the (re)definition of the category of sexual offenses in criminal law through multiple perspectives.

When registering for the masterclass, please indicate which research project or topic you would like to discuss with Professor Falxa and other participants.

Biography : 

portrait-j-falxa-2024.jpg (grande - 640 x 480 free)

Joana Falxa

Associate Professor in Private Law and Criminal Sciences at the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour. She directs the Criminal Sciences Certificate and co-directs the Master’s program in Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences, specializing in Police and Internal Security. She has contributed to various research projects on prison law and sentencing and is currently involved in multiple international projects addressing diverse issues in criminal law and sentencing. Her main research interests focus on prison law (domestic and comparative) and sexual offenses (from a comparative legal and criminological perspective).


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