This masterclass is organized by Quentin Rossy, Olivier Ribaux, Frank Crispino, and Étienne Blais, bringing together experts in criminology and forensic sciences to explore the central role of traceology in contemporary criminal analysis.
A key event for understanding the evolution of this discipline and its impact on investigative and criminal intelligence practices.
Université de Montréal – April 25, 2025 (full-day event)
Morning (9:00 AM - 11:45 AM): Room B-4255
Afternoon (workshops): Rooms B-4240, B-4245, B-4250, and B-4255
Cocktail Reception: Café Satellite
Program: Lectures, a roundtable discussion, and interactive workshops for an in-depth exploration of traces and their interpretation.
09:00 – 10:00 | Setting the Framework: Introduction to Traceology (Room B-4255)
Prof. Olivier Ribaux & Prof. Frank Crispino
10:15 – 11:45 | Roundtable Discussion: Challenges and Perspectives (Room B-4255)
Moderators: Prof. Quentin Rossy & Prof. Olivier Ribaux
Prof. David Décary-Hétu (Université de Montréal)
Prof. Nadine Deslauriers-Varin (Université Laval)
Vincent Mousseau (UQTR)
Prof. Denis Werner (UQTR)
Romain Volery (LSJML)
11:45 – 13:15 | Lunch Break (organized by the CICC team)
13:15 – 16:15 | Workshops (Rooms B-4240, B-4245, B-4250, and B-4255)
(4 groups, 4 workshops, 40 minutes each, rotating across the rooms)
Workshop 1 – Online Fraud Analysis through Trace Evidence
Prof. Quentin Rossy
Workshop 2 – Exploiting Trace Evidence for Intelligence in the Laboratory
LSJML Team (Romain Volery)
Workshop 3 – The First Familial DNA Search Case in France: An Insider’s Perspective
Prof. Frank Crispino
Workshop 4 – Challenges of Reasoning with Trace Evidence and Their Consequences Based on Real Cases
Prof. Olivier Ribaux
16:15 – 16:30 | Conclusion
Ribaux, O. (2023). From Forensic Science to Traceology: Intelligence Through Trace Evidence. EPFL-Press, Lausanne. Access here (open access).
Traceology has recently been revitalized by an international group of scientists. This discipline examines trace evidence as a central entity, relevant to law as proof, to investigations as a lead, and to various fields of criminology by aiding in the deciphering of criminal systems and modi operandi. The detection and interpretation of traces rely on a combination of knowledge in chemical, physical, biological, and digital mechanisms underlying their formation, as well as on innovative technologies that extend human senses and facilitate their processing. Insights from criminology, such as the understanding of criminal environments and situational dynamics, further illuminate the context in which traces acquire meaning. The traceological approach aims to establish cross-disciplinary methodological foundations that all relevant actors—often coming from distinct backgrounds—must consider based on the general characteristics of trace evidence.
This masterclass will highlight the pivotal role of traceology, illustrated with diverse case studies, and will foster discussion through a roundtable with leading experts in criminology and forensic science. Participants will also engage directly with trace evidence through hands-on workshops.
Prof. Olivier RIBAUX
Olivier Ribaux is a Professor at the School of Criminal Sciences at the University of Lausanne. His research focuses on serial crime analysis, its digital developments, and the role of traces in criminal intelligence processes (forensic intelligence). He played a key role in the creation and development of the repetitive crime analysis system adopted by police forces in French-speaking Switzerland. His book From Forensic Science to Traceology explores the evolution of ideas leading to modern traceology.
Prof. Quentin ROSSY
Quentin Rossy is an Associate Professor at the School of Criminal Sciences at the University of Lausanne, where he leads the Master’s program in Criminal Analysis and Traceology, jointly offered with the School of Criminology at the Université de Montréal. His research interests, rooted in traceology, focus on criminal analysis methods, the impact of digital transformations on investigative and intelligence practices, and the analysis of online serial crime, particularly fraud and illicit markets.
David Décary-Hétu holds a PhD in criminology from the Université de Montréal (2013). He previously worked as a research assistant professor at the School of Criminal Sciences at the University of Lausanne before joining the Université de Montréal as an Associate Professor at the School of Criminology. His research focuses on the impact of technology on crime. Using an innovative approach based on large and small data sets, as well as social network analysis, he studies how offenders adopt and use technology and how these choices influence crime regulation and criminological research. He is Deputy Director of the International Centre for Comparative Criminology (CICC), President of the Division of Cybercrime of the American Society of Criminology, and leads the Darknet and Anonymity Research Center (DARC), funded by the John R. Evans Leaders Fund of the Canada Foundation for Innovation.
Prof. Frank CRISPINO
Frank Crispino is a Full Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. He is also Co-Director and Researcher at the Forensic Research Laboratory. Additionally, he serves as Director of the Forensic Science Research Group (GRSF). His research interests include forensic science, epistemology, cognitive sciences, semiotics, trace analysis, and investigative techniques.
Full Professor at the School of Criminology at the Université de Montréal, Étienne Blais also holds the Research Chair on the Prevention of Armed Violence in the Metropolitan Area. The primary objective of this chair is to enhance the understanding of armed violence in urban settings while developing innovative and structured interventions for its prevention, contributing to the maintenance of a safe living environment.
Holding a Bachelor's and a Master's degree in forensic science from the School of Criminal Sciences at the University of Lausanne, Romain Volery has been working since November 2020 in the forensic intelligence service at the Laboratoire de sciences judiciaires et de médecine légale.
Vincent is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Forensic Science at the University of Technology Sydney and the École Nationale d’Administration Publique. He holds a PhD in criminology and is also an associate researcher at the Forensic Science Research Group.
Full Professor of Criminology and Director of the Ph.D. program in Criminology at the School of Social Work and Criminology at Université Laval, Nadine Deslauriers-Varin is also the Associate Director of CICC-ULaval and a member of the Research Group on Sexual Offenders (GRAS).
Denis Werner is a Professor of Forensic Science at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR), Canada. After earning his Bachelor's, Master's, and Ph.D. in Forensic Science from the School of Criminal Sciences at the University of Lausanne, he continued his academic career at the University of Derby as a Lecturer in Forensic Science for two years, balancing research and teaching activities.
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