ICCC Fellowships

Please click on the Details section of each fellowship for more information and to view past recipients.

Students who wish to submit their nominations for ICCC fellowships are requested to provide a standardized curriculum vitae in order to facilitate the study of records. 

For ICCC students



Thesis Fellowships

October 15th (ongoing)

 3 500$ (master)
 5 000$ (doctoral)

Carlo Morselli Grant

October 15th (ongoing)

 5 000$  Details

Symposium Fellowships

December 9th 2021 (ongoing)  300$ (Québec)
 1 000$ (Canada)
 1 500$  (International)

 Knowledge transfer Fellowship (formerly «Research-society» Fellowship)


 1 000$ (master)
1 500$ (doctoral)


 Data Collection Fellowships


 1 000$ (interregional)
 2 000$ (international)


 Animation fellowhships

Completed  500$  Details

 Interuniversity fellowships

Completed  1 000$ (master)
 1 500$ (doctoral)

 Fellowships for participating in a writing retreat

Completed  250$ (+tx) Details

 Bruno-M.-Cormier Thesis Fellowship 


 until 5 000$  Details

 Postdoctoral fellowships complements

Suspended  5 000$  Details

 Ellenberger Award for Best Thesis and Award for Best Internship Report

 N/A  1 000$  Details

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