As part of its mission to support student development and enhance the value of research data, the CICC offers a $2,500 grant to assist a student in writing a scientific article based on data from a completed research project.
The goal of this grant is twofold: to support student-led scientific production while maximizing the use of research data that has not yet been fully exploited.
The grant is awarded in two installments: the first installment of $1,000 is provided upon the announcement of the recipients, while the second installment of $1,500 is granted upon submission of the article, which must take place within one year of the initial payment. The article submitted as part of this grant must not be a thesis or dissertation article.
Bourse pour la valorisation des données de recherche - Formulaire candidatureAttention - Votre version d'Internet Explorer est vieille de 20 ans et peut ne pas vous offrir une expérience optimale sur le site du CICC. Veuillez mettre à jour votre ordinateur pour une expérience optimale. Nous vous recommandons Firefox ou Chrome, ou encore ChromeFrame si vous êtes dans un environnement corporatif ou académique dans lequel vous ne pouvez pas mettre à jour Internet Explorer.