News (2024)

June 6, 2024

Congratulations to.. all our students who have received scholarships and support from CICC.

Today, we are delighted to celebrate our scholarship and bursary recipients for the fall 2023, winter 2024 and summer 2024 sessions. Their commitment, perseverance and hard work are an inspiration to us all.


May 21, 2024

Intensive course in social science research methods

The 4th edition of the EIOM will take place from August 26 to 30, 2024! Register now!

The only one of its kind in the French-speaking academic world, the EIOM offers courses of a quality that rivals the best methodological schools in Europe and North America.

EIOM aims to promote the tools and methods of empirical research in the French-speaking world. It offers methodological training for graduate students and professionals wishing to deepen their technical and methodological knowledge. EIOM also provides an opportunity to share knowledge within an interdisciplinary network of researchers through conferences and other social activities.

Translated with (free version)


February 5, 2024

Call for papers

Numéro de l’automne 2025 – Femmes judiciarisées: les contributions des approches intersectionnelles


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