Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
3351, boul. des Forges, C.P. 500
Trois-Rivières (QC) G9A 5H7
Phone : (819) 376 5011, # 3845
Fax : (819) 376 5210
Attempt to rebuild a forensic school, science of secure traces, following epistemological and methodological challenges in forensics.
Conceptualization of forensic intelligence.
Integration of forensic traces into tactical, operational, strategic, and policy analyses to optimize scientific sampling and analysis, understand emerging or recurrent security phenomena, rationalize resource allocations, and propose efficient tools to combat harm to individuals, property, and society.
Establishment of inter-departmental collaboration at UQTR, inter-university collaboration, and collaboration with profile partners and justice and security institutions regarding the perception of the contribution of science to security and justice, and the search for integration and interpretation models.
Development of analytical technological tools for the detection, identification, and transmission of chemical, physical, biological, and digital data collected at the scene of an incident.
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