Estibaliz Jimenez

Department of Psychoeducation

3351, boul. des Forges, C.P. 500
Trois-Rivières (Québec) G9A 5H7 CANADA
Local 1026 Michel-Sarrazin 

Phone: 819 376-5011, # 4007 
Fax: 819 376-5066

Main ongoing projects

  • Empowerment of immigrant women experiencing violence through network development: Adaptation of the Women's Relay program in a shelter setting

  • Honor-based violence in Quebec schools: overview, needs, and intervention proposals

  • SAS-Women Team (health, autonomy, security) - Interdisciplinary, intersectoral, and intersectional perspective on violence against women and girls

  • Establishment of a research and training network: unaccompanied minors and young migrants in Canada, France, and Switzerland (MINAJE)

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