Faculty of Education Sciences
Department of Foundations and Practices in Education
Pavillon des Sciences de l'éducation, local 746
2320, rue des Bibliothèques
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6
Phone: (418) 656 2131 # 8300
Isabelle.F-Dufour@fse.ulaval.caIsabelle F.-Dufour is a full professor in the Psychoeducation program at Laval University. She is also a regular researcher at the Institut universitaire Jeunes en difficulté ans at the Centre de recherche Jeunes, familles et réponses sociales. Since 2012, her focus has been on desistance from crime, and more recently, on assisted desistance. Her work aims to highlight how adolescents and young adults manage to abandon their 'criminal careers' with or without the assistance of criminal justice or psychosocial interveners. Since 2018, she has been co-directing, with Natacha Brunelle, a research axis of the collaborative project Ré(SO) 16-35. This axis aims to identify the trajectories of persistence and desistance of young Quebecers aged 16 to 35 who have experienced judicialization.
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