Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Department of Psychoeducation and Social Work
Local 1064c pavillon Michel-Sarrazin
3351, blv. des Forges, C.P.500,
Trois-Rivières (Québec)G9A 5H7
Phone: (819)376-5011 # 4012
Fax: (819)376-5066
2023: Beccaria Award for the research partnership (RÉ)SO 16-35
2021: Michel Landry Partnership Award for the research partnership (RÉ)SO 16-35
2009: Beccaria Award, Société de Criminologie du Québec
1999: Best Scientific Communication in the Criminology Disciplinary Section at the ACFAS Congress
1997-1998: Bruno M. Cormier Research Grant from the Cité des Prairies Foundation - Young Offenders
1996-1998: FCAR Doctoral Scholarship
1996-1998: Scholarship from the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Université de Montréal
1995-1998: RISQ Doctoral Scholarship
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