École Nationale de Police du Québec
350, rue Marguerite-D’Youville
Nicolet, Québec. J3T 1X4
Phone : (819)-293-8631, # 6473
Fax : (819)-293-2143
Annie Gendron has been a researcher at the Centre de recherche et de développement stratégique of ENPQ since 2012, an associate professor in the Department of Psychoeducation at UQTR, and a collaborator at the Laboratoire de recherche en criminalistique of UQTR. Annie Gendron is also co-holder of the UQTR-ENPQ Research Chair in Preventing Psychological Health Problems in Public Safety Work.
Her work focuses, among other things, on the academic and professional trajectories of police officers, practices related to the use of force, and situations involving suicide in the presence of the police. She is also interested in issues related to police intervention in Indigenous contexts and with Indigenous populations, as well as in the prevention of psychological health among police officers.
Annie Gendron gave a conference in March 2016 on the topic "Suicide by proxy police: an issue for police intervention"
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