Julie Carpentier

Department of Psychoeducation
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR)
C.P. 500
Trois-Rivières (Québec) G9A 5H7
Phone : (819) 376-5011, # 4090
Fax : (819) 376-5066


Main ongoing projects

  • Development of standards to improve mental health and addiction services for youth in juvenile justice

  • Online romance fraud: The importance of the relationship between victims and their close ones

  • Intervention strategies for individuals buying or likely to buy sexual services: a scoping review

  • Training Justice professionals in risk and needs assessment: the development of Autonomous Virtual Agents (AVA)

  • Sexual delinquency in Quebec: Current profile of offenders, response to treatment, and recidivism

  • Function, meaning, and clinical utility of sexual fantasy: A comparative study of sexual offenders, non-sexual offenders, and men from the general population

  • Can you tell me more? Developing a Virtual Conversational Agent (VCA) to help assess and monitor sexual interests and fantasies

  • Treatment, psychosocial adaptation, and recidivism among sexual offenders

  • (RE)SO 16-35: Capturing and supporting socio-community reintegration processes among young offenders aged 16 to 35

  • A virtual environment supporting the Practicum in Delinquency course offered in the new Psychoeducation program

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