École de criminologie
Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-ville
Montréal (Québec) H3C 3J7
Pavillon Lionel-Groulx
3150, rue Jean-Brillant, bureau C-4119
Phone : 514-343-6640
PRÉVARM: a living lab dedicated to the prevention of Armed Violence in Metropolitan Regions
Intervention mechanisms for individuals purchasing or likely to purchase sexual services: a scoping review
Sexual exploitation of minors: mechanisms and barriers to psychosocial practices aimed at victims and procurers
Services addressing the multiple and post-traumatic needs of victims of sexual exploitation and promoting their exit from prostitution
Promising practices for sexually exploited youth: a scoping study
Treatment, psychosocial adaptation, and criminal trajectory of sexual offenders
AJIR team: Challenges of Adaptation for Youth and Rehabilitation Interventions
Equipping managers to quickly intervene with psychologically distressed employees: an action research project with child and youth protection centers
Medicalization process during childhood: Longitudinal qualitative study of parental resistance and children's experiences
Evaluation of the implementation of the Contact Group program: exploratory descriptive study with a mixed design
Prediction of the recurrence of runaways and risky behaviors adopted during them in young adolescents placed in rehabilitation centers
Canadian Consortium on Child Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care: Developing cohesive intersectoral practices and policies to support trauma-impacted children and youth
The multiple contexts of experienced and enacted violence among youth: an indispensable understanding for innovative practice
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