Faculty of social sciences
School of social work and criminology
Université Laval
Pavillon Charles-De Koninck, Local 6411
1030, avenue des Sciences-Humaines
Québec (Qc.) G1V 0A6
Phone : (418) 656-2131 poste 12671
Yanick.Charette@tsc.ulaval.ca2021: Excellence in Research Award, Emerging Researcher category, Faculty of Social Sciences at Laval University, acknowledging the efforts of a new faculty member significantly contributing to enriching knowledge in their research domain.
2018: Minister's Favourite Excellence Award from the Quebec Health and Social Services Network, for the work of the Interdisciplinary Research Observatory in Justice and Mental Health.
2017: Canadian Psychological Association Significant Contribution Award, recognizing the impact of my contribution in the field of forensic psychology.
2014: Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, allowing a 4-month study period outside Canada (Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands).
2011: Joseph-Armand-Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, for a 3-year duration during my doctorate, acknowledging the quality of my academic record and achievements.
2011: Ellenberger Award for the Best Thesis from the School of Criminology at the University of Montreal, acknowledging the quality of my master's thesis and the excellence of my research work.
2010: Dean's Honour List from the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies at the University of Montreal, acknowledging exceptional grades and outstanding mention for my master's thesis.
2007: Young Researcher Award from the International Francophone Congress on Sexual Aggression for the poster on "The Use of the Internet and Pornography by Sexual Offenders".
2007: Student Research Award from the Canadian National Committee for Police/Mental Health Liaison for my project on "Police Interventions with Individuals Showing Signs of Mental Health Issues".
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