Cyril Muehlethaler

Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
3351 Boulevard des Forges
CIPP - 2134
Trois-Rivières, QC, G9A 5H7

Phone : (819) 376 5011, # 4559
Fax : (819) 376 5084

Main ongoing projects

  • Research Chair UQTR (junior) on Mobile Technologies in Forensic Investigation

  • Forensic Science Research Group (GRSF)

  • Development of New Catalysts Based on Lignocellulosic Biomass for CO2 Valorization

  • Profiling of Contraband Tobacco

  • Investigation and Analysis of Fires: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Prevention and Safety through Traces

  • The degradation and weathering of modern polymer coatings: assessment and monitoring of the chemical signature

  • Towards an Institute in Public Security

  • Muscular Physiology and Artificial Intelligence in the Service of Writing Expertise Used in Forensic Science

  • Unique Sciences - Science Popularization Workshops

  • Incorporation of Lignin in the Formulation of Water-Based Paint

  • Company partnership with Aardvark Forensics LLC. Project title: Preliminary Investigation of the Aardvark Trace Evidence Material Collector

  • PhotoCrime: Online Resources for Teaching Photography in Forensics

  • Reconstruction of Obliterated Serial Numbers in Polymers

  • Advanced Spectroscopic Techniques for Trace Detection in Forensics

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