Department of Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine, Université de Montréal
Recherche et enseignement universitaire, Institut national de psychiatrie légale Philippe-Pinel
10905, Henri-Bourassa Est
Montréal, Qc
Phone : (514) 648-8461, # 769
Fax : (514) 881-3701
In Canada, as elsewhere, the closure of psychiatric beds, changes in civil and criminal laws, social movements towards social integration, the scarcity of affordable housing with community follow-ups, and the complexity of clinical issues have led to new challenges in caring for individuals with mental disorders. The justice system is playing an increasingly important role in access to and support for care, and a growing number of people move between justice, health, social service systems, and the streets. This phenomenon of 'revolving doors' has economic repercussions and significant consequences for society, as well as for the individuals themselves.
The goal of my research program is to better understand the issues and characteristics at these intersections between mental health and justice in order to identify potential avenues for intervention, access to services, and management of problematic behaviors in these marginalized vulnerable populations. Specifically, my research aims to:
The program aims to improve the success chances for these marginalized individuals and offer solutions in coordinating services across criminal justice, health, and social service systems.
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