School of Social Work and Criminology
Université Laval
Pavillon Charles-De Koninck, Local 5444
1030, avenue des Sciences-Humaines
Québec (Qc.) G1V 0A6
Phone: (418) 656-2131 # 406407
elsa.euvrard@tsc.ulaval.ca2022 : Recipient of the Fernand Boulan Prize for the best doctoral thesis. International Association of French-speaking Criminologists.
2021 : Recipient of the Louise Dandurand French Publication Award for the article "Assignation à domicile et autorisation(s) de sortie dans un ordre négocié" (Home assignment and exit authorization in a negotiated order). FRQSC
2017 : Recipient of the Researcher - Star Prize for the article "Pre-trial detention and guilty pleas: inducement or coercion?". FRQSC
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