Geneviève Parent

Université du Québec en Outaouais
Gatineau - Pavillon Alexandre-Taché
283, boulevard Alexandre-Taché, Gatineau, QC
J8X 3X7
Local: C-2907

Main ongoing projects

Lead Researcher:

  • Research project on the rehabilitation and reintegration of youth under the Youth Criminal Justice Act (evaluation of the Lotus program)
  • The two sides of the coin: implementation and evaluation of the Risk, Strengths, and Responsivity Assessment (RSRA) process in young offenders
  • Diversity of sexual histories, consequences, and adult sexual behaviors in women
  • The role of emotional regulation in the use of sexual coercion in women
  • Democratic community, mutual aid, and justice as pillars of intervention for adolescent girls housed in rehabilitation centers


  • Evaluation of the implementation of the Groupe Contact program for at-risk youth and their families: an exploratory descriptive mixed-methods study. City of Longueuil and Longueuil Police Department (SPAL) – Lead Researcher: Marie-Pierre Villeneuve, UdeSherbrooke
  • Trauma and delinquency. Understanding better how delinquency and trauma influence each other and are associated with criminal recidivism – Lead Researcher: Catherine Laurier, UdeSherbrooke
  • Prediction of recurrence of runaways and risky behaviors adopted during them in young adolescents housed in rehabilitation centers – Lead Researcher: Sophie Couture, UdeSherbrooke
  • The problem of running away in rehabilitation centers: a partnership project between institutional and community settings (lead researcher: Sophie Couture, UdeSherbrooke. 

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