After completing graduate studies in sexology and psychology, Geneviève Martin pursued postdoctoral training at Brandeis University, in Dr. Raymond Knight's sexual offending laboratory. Her research into sexual offending is informed by her clinical experience with this clientele. Ms. Martin is also interested in the psychological health of various psychiatric clients, and has collaborated on research projects in mental health and violence at the Institut national de psychiatrie légale Philippe-Pinel and the Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal. Her current collaborations with researchers in Canada and the U.S. focus on the relational and sexual health of sex offenders and other clinical populations. Ms. Martin is Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurosciences at Université Laval and Director of the Sexual Health Certificate and the Sexual Violence Microprogram. She has been teaching sexology for 12 years. She directs the Laboratoire d'études sur le bien-être relationnel et sexuel at the Centre de recherche CERVO.
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