bureau C-7077
3150, Jean-Brillant, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx
Montréal (QC) H3N 1N8
514 343-6111 poste 5004
- Criminal justice and age. A study of the scope of penal intervention practices in preparation for and in support of the transition to adulthood of young people in the justice system in Quebec.
- Between transition to adulthood and transition in the criminal justice system: professional and juvenile perspectives on support for young people in the criminal justice system in Montreal
- From interaction to participation. Young people at the heart of the criminal justice system in Quebec. Principal investigator: Anta Niang (IUPLSSS, Université de Sherbrooke)
- Improving access to health and social services for young people who have been through the juvenile justice system: evidence and the blending of clinical and experiential knowledge. Principal investigators: Martin Goyette (ENAP), Clément Laporte (Foundation for Young Offenders)
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