Marie-Marthe Cousineau (UdeM)

École de criminologie
Université de Montréal Pavillon Lionel-Groulx
3150, rue Jean-Brillant, C-7111 Montréal Québec
H3T 1N8 Canada

Main ongoing projects

Research Projects

  • RéQEF - Quebec Network in Feminist Studies. Research project in Canada / 2022–2028

  • Understanding and Supporting the Social Networks of Women Victims of Intimate Partner Violence: Social Fabric, Needs, and Actions. Research project in Canada / 2022–2027

  • A Sustainable Ecosystem of Care for Women with Traumatic Brain Injury Following Intimate Partner Violence: First Steps. Research project in Canada / 2024–2026

  • SAS-Femmes Summer School on Violence Against Girls and Women: Sharing, Mobilizing, and Disseminating Knowledge. Research project in Canada / 2024–2026

  • Words Matter, Numbers Matter, Ways Matter: Establishing a Data and Resource Platform to Guide Equitable Healthcare for Women Living with Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Canada. Research project in Canada / 2024–2026

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