Sylvie Hamel

Department of Psychoeducation
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR)
C.P. 500
Trois-Rivièves (Québec) G9A 5H7

Phone: (819) 376-5011, # 3540
Fax: (819) 376-5066


  • 2009: Best Poster Award for significant contribution in the field of community psychology entitled "Participatory and Qualitative Research in Support of Community Social Development". 7th European Congress of Community Psychology, Paris, France

  • 2000-2004: Researcher Fellow Scholarship from CQRS for the program "Development and validation of a prevention model based on local and regional development from the study of the gang phenomenon and the various associated issues"

  • 1999: Raymond-Gingras Award from the Quebec Foundation for Young Offenders

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