Patricia Saldaña-Taboada

PhD candidate and research fellow in criminology at the Department of Criminal Law of the University of Granada. 

Thesis: I am researching the use of cryptocurrencies in the development of criminal activities.

Areas of interest

  • cybercrime

  • cryptomarkets

  • cryptocurrencies

  • organised crime

  • crime mapping

  • spatial analysis of crime

Social networks

Research at the CICC

  • From September to December 2021 (three months)
  • I’m researching the reasons for offenders to use cryptocurrencies in online drug markets.

List of publications

1) Buil Gil, D. & Saldaña-Taboada, P. (2021) Offending concentration on the Internet: An exploratory analysis of Bitcoin-related cybercrime. Deviant Behavior, 1-18

2) Maldonado-Guzmán, D.; Saldaña-Taboada, P.; Salafranca Barreda, D. (2020) Aplicación del análisis de umbral a los delitos patrimoniales en los barrios y distritos de Barcelona. Boletín Criminológico, 27 (8), 1 - 34.

3) Maldonado-Guzmán, D.; Saldaña-Taboada, P.; Miguel Álvaro, A. (2020) Análisis Espacial de la Inseguridad Percibida en Barcelona: el Papel de los Barrios Adyacentes y de los Factores Psicosociales Implicados. Anuario de Psicología Jurídica, 31 (1), 63 - 73.

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