Somabha Bandopadhay (June to September 2022)

Pavillon Lionel Groulx
3150, rue Jean-Brillant, Local C-4074

Research at CICC

Title of the project Somabha works on with Prof Jo-Anne Wemmers: Transgender Victimisation: An Indo-Canadian Perspective. She stays at CICC from June to Septembr 2022. She also received a Indo-Canadian Shastri Mitacs Research Scholarship.

Doctoral studies

Title of doctoral project: Violence, Victimisation and Human Rights: An Investigation for the Transgender Community

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. N.K. Chakrabarti, Vice-Chancellor, The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata

General research field

  • Human Rights Law
  • International Law
  • International Criminal Law
  • Transgender Rights Law
  • Earth Jurisprudence
  • Performing Arts and Law

Recent publications

  • Authored a paper titled “Transgender Violence:An International Phenomenon”, Wisdom Speaks, upcoming volume to be published in October (2022).
  • Authored a paper titled “Dancers’ rights: An elusive legal regime in India”, Sangeet Galaxy, Volume 11 Issue 1, ISSN: 2319 – 9695 (2022).
  • Proposal accepted for chapter on “Transgender Victimization: Voices from India” in Queering the system: Challenging hetero-cis-normative examinations of criminal-legal response (Volume 2 in the Queer Victimology series) to be published by Texas Review Press, USA.
  • Authored a book review on Village Disputes and their resolutions in India: Problems, Challenges and Solutions by Dr. Davis Pradhan CMI, NUJS Journal of Regulatory Studies, Volume 5 Issue 3, ISSN: 2456 4605 (2021).
  • Authored a paper titled “Personal Autonomy, Commodification and Termination of Pregnancy”, Indian Human Rights Law Review, ISSN: 2230-7036 (2021).
  • Authored a paper titled “Marital rape: How far?”, Journal of KIIT School of Criminology (2021).

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