Enriched by her legal studies, Eloïse wanted to deepen her theoretical mastery of criminal matters while awakening a pragmatic sensitivity to the human sciences within the Master of Criminological Sciences at Aix-Marseille University. As her interest in criminology grew, so did her interest in defending victims, particularly women. As a result, she had the opportunity to join the CICC to work on her final dissertation - on the relationship of control in domestic homicides - thanks to the research carried out by Professor Frédéric Ouellet. Although theory has been the mainstay of Eloïse's university studies, she is now fully at home in practice. Having completed an internship with a criminal lawyer, she now plans to embark on a career in the legal profession.
Trajectories and interventions by perpetrators and victims of domestic violence
(In relation to the CICC's axes, I'm targeting this one in particular: Trajectories of people in the justice system and victims of crime).
- Length of stay: May 2024
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