Francesco Calderoni is a full professor of Criminology at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. He is the coordinator of the M.Sc. in Crime and Security Analysis (CrimeSec) and the International Doctorate in Criminology, and contributor to the CICC. He has been a researcher at Transcrime since September 2005, where he has taken part in several international research projects as coordinator. His main areas of interest are organised crime, illegal markets, corruption, criminal and preventive policies against complex organised crime, and the analysis of criminal networks.
Under the supervision of David Décary-Hétu
He will give a lecture at the launch of the ICCC's scientific season on Wednesday 9 October, entitled The presence of Italian mafias in the world: types of mafias, activities and countries: 2000-2020.
Complete list of publications:
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