Florent Bielmann

Pavillon Lionel-Groulx
3150, rue Jean-Brillant


Florent Bielmann is a criminal analyst at fedpol/Switzerland and contributes to the development of operational criminal intelligence in his field. In particular, he was a member of the Expert Pool for the National Action Plan to Combat Radicalisation and Violent Extremism. Alongside his professional activities, he is conducting doctoral research in criminology at the Lausanne School of Criminal Sciences under the supervision of Professor Stefano Caneppele. Entitled La version policière et judiciaire du ‘terrorisme djihadiste’ en Suisse. An analysis of federal investigations, it covers all completed federal terrorism investigations. By conducting a qualitative study based on the documents that make up these investigation files, Florent Bielmann dissects the phenomenon of ‘jihadist terrorism’ from the unprecedented and little-studied angle of State and police action.

Recent courses and lectures

  • Lecture on ‘Radicalisation in Switzerland: Indicators and risk assessment in a practical case’, colloquium day of the Swiss Society of Forensic Psychology (SSPL), Bern
  • Lecture entitled ‘The fight against terrorism in Switzerland: institutional framework and individual motivations of jihadists in Switzerland’, as part of the criminal policy course given by Dr Stéphanie Loup, School of Criminal Sciences (ESC), University of Lausanne
  • Lecture entitled ‘Cadre institutionnel de la lutte anti-terroriste en Suisse et métier d'analyste à la Police judiciaire fédérale’, as part of the course on terrorism given by Prof. Stefano Caneppele, École des Sciences Criminelles (ESC), University of Lausanne
  • Course entitled ‘Cadre institutionnel de la lutte anti-terroriste en Suisse ; Motivations des FTF et “profils” d'assaillants ; Traitement des cas de mineurs’, continuing education course (CAS on radicalisation) at the Centre Suisse Islam et Société (CSIS), University of Fribourg

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