It goes without saying that the needs of young people placed or followed up in the community (on probation, for example), or those receiving services in the protection and juvenile criminal justice systems (including young people under dual mandate who have been followed up in both systems), are at the center of media, social, political and scientific concerns. Internationally, the International Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) promotes the need to allow young people to express their views in decisions that concern them, on a par with their right to appropriate living conditions, a place to live, quality schooling and non-discrimination.
This fourth episode interviews Anta Niang, Martin Goyette and Natacha Brunelle.
"The aim of this special issue is to use a variety of methodologies and themes to give national and international visibility to the place of young people and their experiences in youth protection and juvenile justice systems. The articles presented in this issue address the issues of youth protection and juvenile justice by giving a place to adolescents and young adults, aged 12 to 35, who are or have been the subject of placement or probation measures. Attention is also paid to taking into account their different needs in terms of their personal, social and cultural reality, notably by applying principles of equity, diversity and inclusion."
Read the article on Érudit :
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