July 16, 2024

Isabelle Thibault: A look at the experiences of police officers working in Aboriginal communities: Challenges in youth protection in Quebec

This thirty-third episode interviews Isabelle Thibault.

Other episodes

July 16, 2024
Sophie Lachapelle & Jennifer M. Kilty: "You were relieved, but at the same time terrified": Exploring the emotional geographies of admissions and releases in Canadian federal prisons

July 16, 2024
Donald Tremblay & Paul Eid: À crime égal, traitement judiciaire inégal. Les parcours judiciaires de personnes en situation d'itinérance accusées au criminel à Montréal, de l'arrestation au verdict.

July 16, 2024
Emmanuelle Bernheim: The discriminatory use of civil and administrative justice in mental health, at the intersection of social class and gender

July 16, 2024
Justin Piché: The "Changing Profile" of the Incarcerated and the Expansion of the Canadian Prison State

July 16, 2024
Gabrielle Prince-Guérard : Parle-moi de la vie quotidienne dans ton quartier. Enjeux de la recherche sur l'expérience des discriminations et des profilages

July 16, 2024
Nicolas Spallanzani-Sarrasin : Representing homeless people: perspectives and practices of criminal defence lawyers

July 16, 2024
Anne Wuilleumier: Beyond the law. The shaping of the sense of injustice in complaints against the police lodged with the Défenseur des droits in France.

July 16, 2024
Massimiliano Mulone & Victor Armony: Police, racism and agnotology: Resistance and rationalisation by law enforcement officers in the face of allegations of racism

July 16, 2024
Alexandre Gauthier: Psychodevelopmental profile of sadistic sexual abusers of women

July 16, 2024
Patrick Lussier: The unexplained drop in sex offender recidivism rates in Canada: A major challenge for comparative criminology

July 16, 2024
Isabelle Thibault: A look at the experiences of police officers working in Aboriginal communities: Challenges in youth protection in Quebec

July 16, 2024
Rémi Boivin: Study of motivations for becoming a police officer: A look at the opinions of Quebec students enrolled in the police training programme

July 15, 2024
David Scheer : The radicality of imprisonment - Studies of the possibilities of territorialization in ultra-secure units

July 15, 2024
James Gacek: Shining the Light: Prison Lighting, Correctional Work and Wellness

July 15, 2024
Minfegue Calvin: The national border as a carceral device: Justifications and materialities of the Cameroonian situation

July 15, 2024
Bénédicte Michalon : Mobilities and power dynamics in carceral institutions

July 15, 2024
Franck Ollivon: Locked up in the open: A geographic perspective on the experiences of individuals subjected to electronic monitoring

May 3, 2024
Elodie Faisca : Accessing, understanding and taking into account children’s experiences - Conditions and effects of a participative approach in the context of a lockdown

May 3, 2024
Christophe Gauthier-Davies : The impact of the number of caseworkers on youth protection service dissatisfaction

May 3, 2024
Sophie Couture : Risky situations experienced during runaway episodes - A qualitative exploration of the influence of context prior to and during a runaway

April 23, 2024
Miguel Melendro and Ana Cristina Gómez-Aparicio : Research and public policies for young people in transition to adulthood and in protective custody in the Community of Madrid

April 23, 2024
Isabelle Lacroix : Engagement in advocacy via former foster care groups by youth aging out of care

April 23, 2024
Marie Dumollard : Between youth protection and juvenile justice

April 23, 2024
Julie Marcotte : Life stories of former foster care youths - Trauma, coping and envisioning the future

April 23, 2024
Marie-Claude Simard et Patrick Tanguay : Residential care at the core of our concerns A profile of teenagers in residential care and an analysis of their needs

April 23, 2024
Tonino Esposito : Considering geographic variation and poverty in child protection involvement in Quebec

April 23, 2024
Amira Maameri et Julien Doris : Les « sorties sèches » à l’épreuve de la participation : quelles perspectives d’évolution de la protection de l’enfance à l’aune des rapports publics en France et au Québec ?

April 23, 2024
Estibaliz Jimenez : Overrepresentation of young people under the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) Their migration and integration process

April 23, 2024
Annie Pullen Sansfaçon : Trans and non-binary youth in child protection : The situation in Quebec

April 23, 2024
Jessica Filippi : Restorative justice for young offenders: A difficult “right” to access

April 23, 2024
Fanny Mignon et Frédéric Ouellet : Trust to intervene with young offenders: Analyzing the inside networks of a rehabilitation center

April 22, 2024
Anta Niang, Martin Goyette et Natacha Brunelle: Introduction - The rights, voice and needs of young people in care

April 22, 2024
Anta Niang: Participation in the judicial process: an exploration of the perceptions of young people involved in the justice system in Quebec

April 22, 2024
Maxime Gadoua et Isabelle V. Daignault : The court testimony of minors Profiles and needs of young people and the contributions of a court preparation program

June 22, 2021
Sandra Lehalle, Caroline Touraut and Vanina Ferreccio : Les proches de personnes judiciarisées: expériences humaines et connaissances carcérales

June 22, 2021
Gwenola Ricordeau, Ariane Amado and Else Marie Knudsen Les proches de personnes judiciarisées: expériences humaines et connaissances carcérales

June 22, 2021
Sophie de Saussure and Stacey Hannem : Les proches de personnes judiciarisées: expériences humaines et connaissances carcérales

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