Although the police profession is recognized as one that can generate high levels of stress, studies show that officers still make limited use of psychological help. Most of these studies have been conducted with American police populations, but no study on this topic has been carried out with a Quebec police population. A mixed-methods study examining the use of psychological support services was conducted in 2021 with 507 SPVM officers. This article focuses on the qualitative results, which aimed to gather officers' perspectives on the barriers to seeking help and their recommendations for facilitating access. The thematic analysis results show that the barriers to seeking help identified by officers relate to logistical obstacles, professional and personal challenges, and issues related to the psychologist or healthcare professional. As recommendations, participants expressed a desire to hear and talk more about mental health, reflecting their interest in the subject and their wish for mental health issues among officers to be more openly discussed within the organization.
This forty-fourth episode features an interview with Louis-Françis Fortin.
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