his article presents the results of an administrative study conducted at the CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale in response to Orientation 1 of the Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services’ action plan on runaways in residential care (Gouvernement du Québec, 2018). The first part of this study documents the characteristics of youths in residential care (n = 148), based on an analysis of their child protection services files. The results show high frequencies of youth having ADHD, experiencing mental health problems and taking medication. Gender-based analyses reveal that males exhibit more behavioural problems such as violence, substance abuse and delinquency, while victimization is more prevalent among females. The second part of this study consists of an analysis of the needs of youths in residential care, as reported by these youths (n = 80) and the adults involved with them (n = 141). This analysis reveals that the identified needs vary according to the type of respondent, while falling mainly into the following areas : mental health, youth autonomy and transition to adulthood, the labour market, self-perception and family relationships. These needs are in line with the problems experienced by these youths in residential care.
This eleventh episode interviews Marie-Claude Simard and Patrick Tanguay
Read the article on Érudit : https://doi.org/10.7202/1099012ar
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