In a global context of increasing forced displacements, unaccompanied minors (UAMs) typically flee dangerous situations, including organized violence and war. The traumas and forms of victimization experienced in their country of origin (pre-migratory phase) and during irregular border crossings (peri-migratory phase) may worsen upon their arrival in the destination country (post-migratory phase). Additionally, due to family separation from uprooting and the vulnerability linked to the difficult recognition of their minor status, UAMs are exposed to various risks. In this precarious context, the care and protection of UAMs must be swift and effective. Based on accounts from young UAMs of diverse origins (Afghanistan, Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso, Eritrea, Somalia, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, etc.) who have arrived in Europe, this article focuses on the experiences of exile, particularly the experience of borders in its various dimensions, in order to understand the situations of vulnerability and victimization faced by UAMs during the different phases of their migratory journey.
This forty-first episode features an interview with Olivier Chavanon.
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