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Leman-Langlois, Stéphane (2008), « Introduction: Technocrime ? », S. Leman-Langlois, Techocrime : Technology, Crime and Social Control (pp. 1-13), Londres, Willan. |
Béliveau, S., Martin, G.M., Tardif, M. & Proulx, J. (2008). Agression sexuelle. In Lévy, J. J. & Dupras, A. (Eds.), Questions de Sexualité au Québec. Liber. |
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Dupont, B. (2008). Crime prevention partnerships: over-evaluated and under-utilized tools. In Centre international pour la Prévention de la Criminalité (ed.), Crime prevention and community safety: Trends and perspectives. |
Leman-Langlois, Stéphane (2008), « The Local Impact of Police Videosurveillance on the Social Construction of Security », S. Leman-Langlois, Techocrime : Technology, Crime and Social Control (pp. 27-45), Londres, Willan. |
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Leman-Langlois, Stéphane (2008), « Privacy as Currency: Crime, Information and Control in Cyberspace », S. Leman-Langlois, Techocrime : Technology, Crime and SocialControl (pp. 112-138), Londres, Willan. |
Ouimet Marc (2008). Crime and Crime Trends in Canada and the United States. Chapitre 11 in David M. Thomas et Barbara Boyle Torrey (directeurs). Canada and the United States : Differences that Count. Toronto : Broadview Press, 3rd edition. Pages 253-270. |
Proulx, J. & Beauregard, E. (2008). Decision Making During the Offending Process : An Assessment Among Subtypes of Sexual Aggressors of Women. In Beech, T., Craig, L. A. & Browne, K. D. (Eds.), Assessment and Treatment of Sex Offenders : A Handbook. Wiley. |
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Morselli, Carlo, Dave Tanguay et Anne-Marie Labalette (2008). « Criminal Conflicts and Collective Violence: Biker-Related Account Settlements in Quebec, 1994-2001 », Chapitre 11 (pp.145-164) dans D. Siegel et H. Nelen (eds.) Organized Crime: Culture, Markets, and Policies. New York: Springer. |
Ouimet Marc (2008). Internet and Crime Trends. Chapitre 20 in Frank Schmalleger and Michael Pittaro (Directeurs), Crime of the Internet. Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall. Pages 408-417. |
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