Les conflits gelés dans l'espace postsoviétiqueNuméro spécial d'Études InternationalesJolicoeur, P., & Campana, A. (under the direction of, 2009). Les conflits gelés dans l'espace postsoviétique. Études internationales, 60(4). |
Guide Français-Anglais de la Terminologie des Services à la PersonneBrend, D. M. (2009) English-French Guide to Human Services Terminology/ Guide Français-Anglais de la Terminologie des Services à la Personne. Montréal: CCDMD. |
Élaborer et évaluer les programmes d'intervention psychosocialeAlain, M. & Dessureault, D. (2009), Élaborer et évaluer les programmes d'intervention psychosociale. Les Presses de l'Université du Québec. |
Inside Criminal NetworksCarlo Morselli (2009), Inside Criminal Networks, New York, Springer. |
The Practice of Constitutional DevelopmentVincent Ostrom's Quest to Understand Human AffairsFilippo Sabetti, Barbara Allen & Mark Sproule-Jones (2009). The Practice of Constitutional Development: Vincent Ostrom’s Quest to Understand Human Affairs. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. www |
Not Always a Happy EndingThe Organizational Challenge of Deploying and Reintegrating Civilian Police Peacekeepers (a Canadian Perspective)Dupont, B. & Tanner, S. (under the direction of, 2009). Not Always a Happy Ending : The Organizational Challenge of Deploying and Reintegrating Civilian Police Peacekeepers (a Canadian Perspective), Policing and Society, 19(2), 134-146. |
Victim Reparation and the International Criminal CourtSpecial issue, International Review of VictimologyWemmers, J.-A. (under the direction of, 2009). Special issue on Victim Reparation and the International Criminal Court. International Review of Victimology, 16(2). |
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