On the governance of security

A dialogue

« Positioned around the provocative work that Clifford Shearing and his colleagues have been conducting on the idea of « nodal governance », each of the articles presented herein engages at a sophisticated level with aspects of Shearing’s ideas about the ways in which the conduct of contemporary governance is currently being reconfigured. What emerges from this collection is a sense of important ideas being supported, clarified, challenged and critiqued. Taken as a whole, Shearing, Dupont and Ferret have assembled a collection of articles that exemplifies how knowledge is advanced by engaging in transdisciplinary and transnational debate and dialogue » (tiré de l'Éditorial de Martin Innes).

Visit Benoît Dupont's page.

Shearing, C., Dupont, B., & Ferret, J. (under the direction of, 2004). On the governance of security : A dialogue, Numéro spécial. Policing and Society14(1).


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